Callbacks guide of datedropper JS

This plugin version is deprecated, get the new version now to stay up to date.


On this page:

    Try the new datedropper JS configurator to easily get the best plugin configuration!
    Configure now

    datedropper comes with the following callback functions.


    The onChange callback is excecuted when the date is changed through datepicker. It must be specified on the main options as shown below and it returns an object as in the following example:

    How to set

    new dateDropper({
      selector: '#myInput',
      onChange: function (res) {
        console.log('You have selected ' + ( + '/' + res.output.dd + '/' + res.output.y));


      "trigger":[trigger DOM element],
      "dropdown": [dropdown DOM element]


    The onRangeSet callback is only excecuted when range option is declared as true and the start and end dates have been changed. It returns an object as shown below:

    How to set

    new dateDropper({
      selector: '#myInput',
      onRangeSet: function (range) {
        var start = range.a;
        var end = range.b;
        console.log('From ' + (start.m + '/' + start.d + '/' + start.y) + ' to ' + (end.m + '/' + end.d + '/' + end.y));




    The onDropdownOpen callback is excecuted when trigger is clicked and the dropdown comes down. It must be specified on the main options as shown below and it returns an object as in the following example:

    How to set

    new dateDropper({
      selector: '#myInput',
      onDropdownOpen: function (res) {


      "trigger":[trigger DOM element],
      "dropdown": [dropdown DOM element]


    The onDropdownExit callback is excecuted when dropdown is closed and removed. It must be specified on the main options as shown below and it returns an object as in the following example:

    How to set

    new dateDropper({
      selector: '#myInput',
      onDropdownExit: function (res) {


      "trigger":[trigger DOM element],
      "dropdown": [dropdown DOM element]


    The onDestroy callback is excecuted when datedropper is destroyed through the "destroy". It must be specified on the main options as shown below and it returns the trigger as a simple DOM element:

    How to set

    new dateDropper({
      selector: '#myInput',
      onDestroy: function (el) {


    The onRender callback is only excecuted when the calendar is on expanded view and each time you select or change a date. It returns an object with all the visible and selectable dates. It's really useful cause with this feature you will be able to add custom label for each day.
    Let's see how to set it at best:

    How to set

    new dateDropper({
      selector: '#myInput',
      onRender: function(dates) {
       var myLabels = {
         '2021/04/04': {
           label: 'Easter',
           color: '#8bc34a'
         var item = dates[key];
             label: myLabels[key].label,
             color: myLabels[key].color


      "2021/02/25": [day DOM element],
      "2021/02/26": [day DOM element],
      "2021/02/27": [day DOM element],
      "2021/02/28": [day DOM element],