
inLine comes with the following callback functions.


The onChange callback is excecuted each time you make a change on the selector initialized with inLine. It must be specified on the main options as shown below and it returns the API object:

How to set

new inLine('#myEditor', { 
onChange: function (api) {
document.querySelector('#myTextarea').value = api.content;


The onToolbarOpen callback is excecuted when you select a text and the toolbar comes up.

How to set

new inLine('#myEditor', {
onToolbarOpen: function (api) {
console.log('The text you selected is ' + api.selection.text;


The onToolbarClose callback is excecuted when you release the selection and the toolbar is closed.

How to set

new inLine('#myEditor', {
onToolbarClose: function (api) {
console.log('The toolbar has been closed');


The onDestroy callback is excecuted when you call the destroy function and the selector is restored to the default state:

How to set

new inLine('#myEditor', {
onDestroy: function () {
console.log('Inline function has been destroyed');


The onReady callback is excecuted when inLine is successful initialized and everything is ready to go.

How to set

new inLine('#myEditor', {
onReady: function (api) {
console.log('Inline is ready');