Options guide of timedropper JS

Try the new timedropper JS configurator to easily get the best plugin configuration!
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How to Set an Option

With Timedropper, you can customize its behavior and appearance by setting options. These options can be configured in two main ways:

  • By using a data attribute directly on the HTML element.
  • By passing options through JavaScript during initialization.

Set an Option Using a Data Attribute

To set an option via a data attribute, add and customize the corresponding attribute in kebab-case (e.g., data-option-[OPTION_KEY]) directly to the HTML element where Timedropper is used. For example, you can customize the date format as follows:

<input type="text" data-option-format="hh:mm" data-option-overlay="true" >

Set an Option Using JavaScript

You can also configure options in JavaScript during the initialization process. In this case, options should be written in camelCase. Here's an example:

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  format: "h:m A",
  overlay: true

Options and Default Values

Timedropper offers a variety of options to customize its functionality. Below is an overview of the basic options and their default values.

Basic Options

Advanced Options

Basic Options


The selector option specifies which elements will use the timepicker. Internally, it executes a querySelectorAll on the provided selector.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="time" placeholder="Select time">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('input');


The overlay option, when set to true, adds an overlay to obscure the background, enhancing focus on the timepicker.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-overlay="true">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  overlay: true


The format option allows you to specify the date format in which the time will be displayed. Use a string to define the format.

  • Type: string
  • Default: hh:mm

Allowed values for Time Picker

AAM or PM, e.g. AM
H24-hour format of the hour without leading zero, e.g. 1
HH24-hour format of the hour with leading zero, e.g. 01
aAM or PM in lowercase, e.g. am
h12-hour format of the hour without leading zero, e.g. 1
hh12-hour format of the hour with leading zero, e.g. 01
mMinutes without leading zero, e.g. 3
mmMinutes with leading zero, e.g. 03
strFormatted time string, e.g. 1:25 am


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-format="h:m a">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  format: "h:m a"


The lang option sets the language of the timepicker. You can provide a language code like "en", "es", or "fr".

  • Type: string
  • Default: "en"


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-lang="es">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  lang: "es"

How to customize language

You can easily add a custom language to Timedropper by using this template. Simply replace the placeholder values with your desired translations and replace the LANGUAGE_CODE with the appropriate code for your language.

timeDropperSetup.languages[LANGUAGE_CODE] = {
  name: "English",
  labels: {
    title: 'Timedropper',
    arrows: 'Use the left and right keyboard arrows to change the value',
    h: 'Hours selector',
    m: 'Minutes selector'

Custom Class

The customClass option allows you to add custom CSS classes to the timepicker. This is useful for applying specific styles to the timepicker container.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-custom-class="my-custom-class">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  customClass: "my-custom-class"

Start Time

The startTime option sets the default time shown when the timepicker is opened. It can be set as a time string like "10:00" or a specific time value.

  • Type: string
  • Default: "00:00"


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-start-time="08:30">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  startTime: "08:30"

Auto Switch

The autoSwitch option automatically switches between hour and minute.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-auto-switch="true">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  autoSwitch: true

Time 12hr

The time_12hr option enables or disables the 12-hour time format (AM/PM).

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-time_12hr="true">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  time_12hr: true


The interval option defines the time step when selecting time values. It specifies the minutes between available time options.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 1


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-interval="15">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  interval: 15

Advanced Options


The minHour option allows you to set the minimum hour that can be selected in the time picker. The value should be an integer between 0 and 23.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 0


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-min-hour="9">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  minHour: 9


The maxHour option allows you to set the maximum hour that can be selected in the time picker. The value should be an integer between 0 and 23.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 23


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-max-hour="18">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  maxHour: 18


The minMinutes option allows you to set the minimum minutes that can be selected in the time picker. The value should be an integer between 0 and 59.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 0


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-min-minutes="15">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  minMinutes: 15


The maxMinutes option allows you to set the maximum minutes that can be selected in the time picker. The value should be an integer between 0 and 59.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 59


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-max-minutes="45">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  maxMinutes: 45


The disabledHour option allows you to disable specific hours in the time picker. You can pass values as string separated by comma representing the hours to disable.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-disabled-hour="12, 13">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  disabledHour: "12, 13"


The disabledMinutes option allows you to disable specific minutes in the time picker. You can pass values as string separated by comma representing the minutes to disable.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-disabled-minutes="30, 45">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  disabledMinutes: "30, 45"


The disabledTime option allows you to disable specific times (both hour and minutes). You can pass values as string separated by comma with the format "HH:MM" to disable specific times.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-disabled-time="12:00, 13:15">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  disabledTime: "12:00, 13:15"


The enabledHour option allows you to enable specific hours in the time picker. You can pass values as string separated by comma representing the hours to enable.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-enabled-hour="9, 10">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  enabledHour: "9, 10"


The enabledMinutes option allows you to enable specific minutes in the time picker. You can pass values as string separated by comma representing the minutes to enable.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-enabled-minutes="0, 15">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  enabledMinutes: "0, 15"


The enabledTime option allows you to enable specific times (both hour and minutes) in the time picker. You can pass values as string separated by comma with the format "HH:MM" to enable specific times.

  • Type: string/false
  • Default: false


Configuration Using a Data Attribute

<input type="text" data-option-enabled-time="09:00, 10:30">

Configuration Using JavaScript

new timeDropper('#myInput', {
  enabledTime: "09:00, 10:30"